Solidariteit in USA (Los Angeles)

Los Angeles U.S. Hands Off Cuba Committee                                                   

Coordinators: Brenda Lopez 310.259.9441                                      Mark Friedman 310.350.7515

For Immediate release: August 27, 2021

Puentes de Amor at L.A. Cuban Music Festival August 29.

Support Cuban Families. Press conference & caravan from East LA

When: 12 noon, Sunday, August 29, 2021

   Where: LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes, 501 N. Main St.  Los Angeles, CA 90012

We join with hundreds of Cuban-Americans and others at this music festival who demand: end the US embargo and sanctions against Cuba, lift the travel and trade ban, allow financial remittances.

Cuban-Americans recently marched from Miami to Washington, and arrived July 25 for a national demonstration delivering 50,000 petitions to Biden demanding an end to the blockade & sanctions.

We shall caravan from Atlantic Park 10 am (570 S Atlantic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90022) to the press conference after participating in the Chicano Moratorium anniversary.

Press conference speakers will report on:

1.    ILWU Resolution against the blockade and $10,000 donation of medical aid to Cuba

2.    LA Cuban Americans speak out against the embargo, sanctions for ending travel & trade bans

3.     Medical aid collection efforts in LA, (#Syringes4Cuba has sent 6 million worth $550,000)

4.    Local, national and international efforts to end the US embargo, sanctions, trade and travel ban

5.    Exposing US backed disruptions in Cuba, #SOS campaign, threats of US military invasion


 The hidden hand of the US in Cuban protests should be understood in the context of a brutal  economic war waged by the United States against the island nation for more than 60 years.


Cuban President Díaz-Canel said” There were four sectors involved in the protests: radical supporters of the United States who waved that country’s flag during the protests and demanded intervention from Washington, criminals who took advantage of the situation to loot, people genuinely desperate due to the impact of the crisis due to the 60-year US embargo on their daily lives and young people who feel disenfranchised.”

A cyber-attack and internet disinformation campaign against the Cuban government’s website was part of the latest provocative interventions financed by Biden’s $250 million to destabilize Cuba. A large number of false accesses to the website came from 34 different I.P. addresses in the U.S., France, the U.K. and Turkey. #SOSCuba bot tweets coming from the US Embassy in Mexico to create the impression of mass anger. Use of phony pictures on Facebook, Instagram, CNN and other news services.

Car caravans, in over 70 cities in U.S., Europe, Canada, Latin America and Africa, were initiated by Miami’s Cuban-Americans, demanding an end to the economic, trade, and banking sanctions causing great economic  hardship in Cuba, an end to US attacks on right to travel, sending funds and family visits for residents of both nations.                                                                          Washington’s aggression against Cuba is particularly criminal in face of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cell: Mark Friedman: 310.350.7515, Brenda Lopez: 310.259.9441

(Please call Mark first since he is more readily available)


End the sanctions of Trump/Biden. LET CUBA LIVE.


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